Monday, June 10, 2013

Las Vegas et Zion Canyon

À notre arrivée, nous descendons the Vegas Strip et puis en route vers Hurricane Utah, à la porte du fabuleux parc: Zion Canyon National Park.

Température 41C à 15:00, soleil mur à mur.

L'environnemnt ici est lunaire, aride et sec.

Base elevation is 4800ft, the highess we got to was 6000ft as some to go.

The colors of the rocks are spectacular, the colors change as the sun crosses the sky.

Tomorrow we have another beutiful hike: Angels Rock where we will be challenging gravity.

Stay tuned.


  1. Pendant ce temps la, ici, c'est le déluge... profitez-en et continuez de prendre de superbes photos. Bon voyage !

  2. Terrible weather here 13deg right now, , Mayor Appelbaum has been arrested and is about to resign so nothing new really. , The only positive thing is Subban won the Norris. Enjoy yourself!!


  3. Fantastique! thanks for the trip
